Happy 6th Birthday Colin!

Come celebrate Colin’s 6th birthday with a neighborhood pizza party! This family-fun party will be held at the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Marine Park on August 28th from 12-2pm.

Pizza will be provided along with slushies, games, music, a bounce house, face painting, art projects, and more! There will be fun for the whole family and it's bound to be a beautiful day celebrating Colin with our friends and neighbors. Colin’s 4th birthday party was a huge success with hundreds of gifts donated, and over 300 people in attendance. We can’t wait to get together again and celebrate with everyone! 

All we ask is that you bring a gift to support one of our community partners (more here). Suggested donations are: diapers (all sizes), wipes, school supplies (crayons, markers, pencils, notebooks, paper, glue), gift cards to places like Famous Footwear, Target, and CVS, and NEW backpacks.

You don't need to purchase tickets for this event, and everyone is welcome. We look forward to uplifting our community, enjoying time with its members, and spreading joy in honor of what would have been Colin's 6th birthday.

Click here for the event invitation, and stay tuned for more info on how Colin's Joy Project is supporting South Boston!